Butt Fusion Welding Machine, Poly, HDPE and Pipe Fusion Machines – Worldpoly

Worldpoly News



Just because we’re in the business of machinery doesn’t mean we like to let our appearance slip. And, like any company serious about putting its best boot forward, here at Worldpoly we thought it was high time for a bit of an update.

We’re very happy with our new look logo and eye-popping Aussie gold colour scheme – but don’t be fooled by our cosmetic overhaul. We may look prettier, but we’re still the toughest of the bunch!

Our new strap-line ‘Australian Engineered for a Tough World’ says it all. Worldpoly’s great Australian-designed machines are made to endure any harsh condition the world can throw at us. In fact, the harsher the conditions the better – it gives us the opportunity to show you what we’re made of.

Over the next few months you’ll see our new look splashed onto our latest machines, our brand new website and our communications collateral. Keep your eyes out for us, we hope you like it as much as we do.


Fir more information, email sales@worldpoly.com

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