Butt Fusion Welding Machine, Poly, HDPE and Pipe Fusion Machines – Worldpoly

Worldpoly News



In 2011, the New Caledonian Water Board, Caledonienne des Eaux, undertook a project in the city of Noumea to upgrade some of its deteriorating PVC pipes, opting to lay polyethylene piping in its place.

As with any new venture, especially one where you are working with new materials, there was a steep learning curve. “The engineers at Caledonienne des Eaux didn’t know how to supervise poly installation,” says Rameiss Paker, Worldpoly’s Asian/ Middle East Manager. “Welding PE piping is an entirely different beast than jointing PVC piping – they needed help.”

In October 2010, Caledonienne des Eaux contacted Worldpoly and purchased a WHD315 to perform the welding for some of its smaller maintenance jobs. In addition to supplying the welding machinery, Worldpoly ran an intensive three-day course to educate Caledonienne des Eaux engineers, site managers and their contractors about working with poly and the correct ways to weld it for durability and optimum performance.

“What the Water Board really needed us to do was to train up their staff to be experts in poly, so they could then go out in the field and assess the quality of the work contractors did on government water projects”, says Ramesh.

Caledonienne des Eaux was so impressed with the operation and performance of the WHD315 – along with the support and advice they received from Worldpoly – they immediately purchased a WHD250 and a WHD630 to complete larger projects with the same high quality and reliability.

“It just goes to show that no matter how small or large your project, we’ve got the right machine for the job,” says Worldpoly Managing Director, Robert Hall.


For more information, email sales@worldpoly.com

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